Conference Presentation
[심포지움 초청강연] 2021 Livelihood Wisdom and Design Future International Conference II: Value Creation of the Local Culture. Characteristics of underground rappers’ fashion in South Korea and China. 2021.10.12.
[기타학술강연] 롯데홈쇼핑 강의 "MZ세대는 누구인가". 2020.7.30.
[심포지움 초청강연] 2014 SFTI International Conference Plenary Lecture “The Symbolic Meaning of Fashion”, 2014.08.11
[심포지움 초청강연] 2012 삼성미술관 LEEUM 강좌 패션 “Technology, Hybrid, Fashion”, 2012.10.02
[심포지움 초청강연] California College of the Arts: Design and Craft Lecture Series (High-Tech Fashion), 2011.03.09
[심포지움 초청강연] 카이스트 문화기술대학원: 디지털패션 세미나 (디지털 시대의 패션 디자인 조형성), 2010.11.20
[심포지움 초청강연] Asian Fashion Forum China Conference: Young Generation and Asian Fashion Trends (Clothing Style of Korean Subcultures During the 2000s), 2010.07.04
[포스터 발표] Sujin Lim, Jisoo Ha. Big Data Analysis of 3D Virtual Fashion Image Applications. Digital Fashion Innovation Conference. 2024.07. Manchester, 2024.07.02-04.
[포스터 발표] Jeehong Park, Jisoo Ha. A Study of Virtual Fashion Film's Visual Elements. Digital Fashion Innovation Conference. 2024.07. Manchester, 2024.07.02-04.
[구두논문발표] Jang, Shin Young., Chung, Chahong., & Ha, Jisoo. A Comparative Study on the Fashion Design Process Utilizing Smart and Conventional Textiles: Implications for the Industry and Education. 2024 International Conference on Clothing and Textiles (ICCT). 2024.5.11
[포스터 발표] Choi, S., Lee, J., & Ha, J. Luxury fashion brands' collection venues and cultural appropration, 2024 International Conference on Clothing and Textles (ICCT), 2024.5.11.
[포스터 발표] Sujin Im, Jisoo Ha. Jacket Design Development for Two-Wheeler Delivery Workers on Rainy Days, 2024 International Conference on Clothing and Textles (ICCT), 2024.5.11.
[포스터발표] Sujin Im, Jisoo Ha. Fashion Image Expression on Non-face-to-face Screen Platform -Korean Female Office Worker in Their 20S-30S. 2023 International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference (ITAA), Baltimore, 2023.11.8-11.
[구두논문발표] Shin Young Jang, Jisoo Ha. A STUDY ON DESIGNER’S HAPTIC PERCEPTION OF FASHION FABRICS IN DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT. 2022 International Conference on Clothing and Textiles (ICCT), Online, 2022.5.26-27.
[포스터발표] Dawool Jung, Jisoo Ha. PERFORMING HISTORY IN NEW MEDIA ERA: NOSTALGIC FASHION CULTURE AMONG GENERATION Z IN KOREA. 2022 International Conference on Clothing and Textiles (ICCT), Online, 2022.5.26-27.
[포스터발표] Jee Hong Pak, Jisoo Ha. ANALYSIS OF VIRTUAL INFLUENCERS’ ATTRACTIVE PHYSICAL APPEARANCE ON SOCIAL MEDIA. 2022 International Conference on Clothing and Textiles (ICCT), Online, 2022.5.26-27.
[포스터발표] Han Bin Yoo, Jisoo Ha. WHAT IS K-FASHION FROM FOREIGN PERSPECTIVES?. 2022 International Conference on Clothing and Textiles (ICCT), Online, 2022.5.26-27.
[포스터발표] Sol Kang, Jisoo Ha. Changing Perception On Nudity And Nakedness. 2020 International Conference on Clothing and Textiles (ICCT), Online, 2020.5.21-22.
[포스터발표] Shin Young Jang, Jisoo Ha. How Generation Z Is Shaping A New Luxury: A Content Analysis Of Gucci’s Youtube Channel. 2020 International Conference on Clothing and Textiles (ICCT), Online, 2020.5.21-22.
[포스터발표] Sungeun Kim, Dawn Jung, Jisoo Ha. A Study On The Changing Of Continuity Of Modern Fashion Trend. 2020 International Conference on Clothing and Textiles (ICCT), Online, 2020.5.21-22.
[구두논문발표] Han Bin Yoo, Jisoo Ha. A Study On The Fashion Images of the 3.5-Generation-K-Pop Idols. 2020 International Conference on Clothing and Textiles (ICCT), Online, 2020.5.21-22.
[포스터발표] Dawn Jung, Sungeun Kim, Jisoo Ha. Fashion Trend And Domestic Fashion Industry. 2020 International Conference on Clothing and Textiles (ICCT), Online, 2020.5.21-22.
[포스터발표] Soyoung Im, Jisoo Ha. Study On The Practice Of Sustainable Fashion -Focusing On Single Person Media On Youtube-. 2020 International Conference on Clothing and Textiles (ICCT), Online, 2020.5.21-22.
[포스터발표] Parisa Hosseini, Jisoo Ha. Different Design Characteristics Between Different Dior Designers. 2020 International Conference on Clothing and Textiles (ICCT), Online, 2020.5.21-22.
[구두논문발표] Eui young Yang, Jisoo Ha. What Fashion Design Factors Make You Fun?. 2020 International Conference on Clothing and Textiles (ICCT), Online, 2020.5.21-22.
[포스터발표] Dawool Jung, Jisoo Ha. Fandom Culture Expressed In Fashion : A Case Study of BTS. 2020 International Conference on Clothing and Textiles (ICCT), Online, 2020.5.21-22.
[포스터발표] Meina Yin, Jisoo Ha. The Beauty Of Exposure Expressed In Maison Margiela. 2020 International Conference on Clothing and Textiles (ICCT), Online, 2020.5.21-22.
[구두논문발표] Heeyoung Kim, Jisoo Ha. A study on the status and utilization of the fashion creative studio. International Conference on Clothing and Textile (ICCT), Seoul, 2018.5.26
[구두논문발표] Koh Woon Kim, Jisoo Ha. A Study of Mothering of Korean Career Women & Clothing Norms in Situation Related to Their Children. International Conference on Clothing and Textile (ICCT), Seoul, 2018.5.26.
[포스터발표] Sun Young Choi*, Jeyeon Jo, Joeun Lee, Jisoo Ha and Yuri Lee, A cross-cultural study of proximity of clothing to self between South Korea and Mongolia, 2018 International Textile and Apparel Association, Ohio, USA, 2018.11.6-9.
[포스터발표] Keunsoo Park, Jisoo Ha. The Type and the Aesthetics of Burning Effects in Contemporary Fashion. 2018 International Conference on Clothing and Textiles(ICCT), Seoul, 2018. 5. 26.
[포스터발표] Keyu Fan, Jisoo Ha and Jongsun Kim. An analysis of the Korean hip-hop fashion style reflectingK-popfashion, 2018 International Conference on Clothing & Textiles (ICCT), Seoul, 2018.5.26
[포스터발표] 손진호, 하지수. National Identity and Fashion Design-Comparative Study of Chinese and Korean Fashion Designers- 2018 International Conference on Clothing & Textiles (ICCT), Seoul, 2018.5.26
[포스터발표] Jeyeon jo, Joeun Lee*, Sun Young Choi, Jisoo Ha, and Yuri Lee, A cross-cultural comparison of the effect of individualism-collectivism on the proximity of clothing to self. 2018 International Conference on Clothing and Textiles(ICCT), Seoul, 2018.5.26.
[포스터발표] Hoe Ryung Lee, Jongsun Kim, Jisoo Ha. A Formative Analysis of 'Neo-Cross Sexual' Fashion in Contemporary Men's Suits. 2018 International Conference on Clothing and Textiles(ICCT), Seoul, 2018.05.26.
[포스터발표] 이성훈, 하지수. 서울컬렉션 발전과 현황 -2000년 이전 10년간의 변화를 중심으로-, 2024 한국패션디자인학회 추계학술대회, 2024.11.23
[포스터발표] 정찬아, 하지수. 사진 이미지를 적용한 니트웨어 디자인 -자카드 기법과 핸드니팅을 중심으로-.2024 한국패션디자인학회 추계학술대회. 2024.11.23
[포스터발표] 조정은,하지수. 패션사진에 재현된 페미니즘- 제 4물결 페미니즘을 중심으로, 2024 한국 패션디자인학회 추계학술대회. 2024.11.23
[포스터 발표] 최서영, 하지수. 오리가미를 활용한 참여형 패션디자인 개발, 2024 한국패션디자인학회 추계학술대회, 2024.11.23.
[포스터 발표] 남한솔, 하지수. 어댑티브 패션(Adaptive Fashion)의 사이즈 다양화 제안 연구 -장애인 의류리폼 지원 캠페인을 중심으로-, 2024 한국의류학회 추계학술대회, 2024.10.19.
[포스터 발표] 이주형, 하지수. 패션 유튜브에서 나타나는 사회 자본 스토리텔링, 2024 한국의류학회 추계학술대회, 2024.10.19.
[포스터 발표] 최서영, 하지수. 아웃도어 패션 덕후의 정체성과 소속감 -온라인 커뮤니티를 중심으로-, 2024 한국의류학회 추계학술대회, 2024.10.19.
[구두논문발표] 박지홍, 하지수. 가상패션필름에 나타난 시각적 표현 요소 특성. 한국패션디자인학회 춘계학술대회. 2024.05.25
[구두논문발표] 범가유, 하지수. AI 도구를 활용한 패션 컬렉션 디자인 프로세스에 대한 연구. 2024 한국패션디자인학회 춘계학술대회. 2024.05.25
[구두논문발표] 정찬아, 하지수. 패션 사진에 표현된 복식 분석 프레임워크 - 홍장현의 패션 사진을 중심으로. 2024 한국패션디자인학회 춘계학술대회. 2024.05.25
[포스터발표] 남한솔, 하지수. 오리가미(Origami)를 이용한 패션디자인 작품 개발 - 작품 'Serenity' 제작을 중심으로. 2024 한국패션디자인학회 춘계학술대회. 2024.05.25
[포스터발표] 남한솔, 하지수. 현대 패션 일러스트레이션에 나타나는 이상적인 신체 이미지 표현에 관한 연구 - David Downton과 Bil Donovan의 작품을 중심으로. 2024 한국패션디자인학회 춘계학술대회. 2024.05.25
[포스터발표] 맨세이디, 하지수. Project of Developing a Fashion Look by Upcycling Pre-loved Fashion Items -Focusing on 'Zero Waste Fashion Design' Concept-. 2024 한국패션디자인학회 춘계학술대회. 2024.05.25
[포스터발표] 염여옥, 하지수. 중국 여성 스타의 섹시 패션 이미지. 2024 한국패션디자인학회 춘계학술대회. 2024.05.25
[포스터발표] 이성훈, 하지수. 생성형 인공지능을 활용한 패션컬렉션 발상자료 제작 연구, 한국패션디자인학회, 2024.05.25
[포스터발표] 이성훈, 하지수. 뉴욕패션위크에서의 패션트렌드 변화에 대한 연구 -2020년대 이전 30년간의 변화를 중심으로-, 한국패션디자인학회, 2024.5.25
[포스터발표] 이수현, 하지수. 패션 매체에서 나타나는 바디 포지티브, 한국패션디자인학회, 2024.5.25
[포스터발표] 정차홍, 장신영&하지수. Creative Fashion Design and Evaluation: A Comparative Study of Smart versus Conventional Textiles, 한국패션디자인학회, 2024.5.25
[포스터발표] 정찬아, 하지수. 사진 이미지 중첩 기법을 활용한 패션디자인 개발 연구 - 작품 ‘Position’을 중심으로-, 한국패션디자인학회, 2024.5.25
[포스터발표] 슈칭칭, 이채영, 하지수. 중국 SNS 샤오홍슈에 나타난 Y2K 패션 트렌드에 관한 연구. 2023년도 한국패션디자인학회 추계학술대회. 2023.11.11.
[포스터발표] 박수진, 하지수. 현대 패션 비평 모델 개발을 위한 탐색적 연구. 2023년도 한국패션디자인학회 추계학술대회. 2023.11.11.
[포스터발표] 최서영, 김성은, 하지수. 현대 패션 사진에 나타난 여성 이미지 -사이보그 페미니즘 관점을 중심으로-. 2023년도 한국패션디자인학회 추계학술대회. 2023.11.11.
[포스터발표] 정차홍, 하지수. 현대 패션에 나타난 '키치(Kitsch)'의 표현 특성. 2023년도 한국패션디자인학회 추계학술대회. 2023.11.11.
[포스터발표] ShinYoung Jang, Jisoo Ha. Fabric Perceptions in Digital Contexts - Exploring the Correlation between Certainty and Accuracy -. 2023년도 한국패션디자인학회 추계학술대회. 2023.11.11.
[포스터발표] 임수진, 최희은, 하지수. 중장년 여성을 위한 스포츠 브래지어 개발 및 착의 평가 연구. 2023년도 한국패션디자인학회 추계학술대회. 2023.11.11.
[포스터발표] 이승익, 하지수. PolyJet 3D Printing을 적용한 패션디자인 사례 연구. 2023년도 한국패션디자인학회 추계학술대회. 2023.11.11.
[포스터발표] 이수현, 하지수. 해체주의 패션의 미적 가치. 2023년도 한국패션디자인학회 추계학술대회. 2023.11.11.
[포스터발표] 이성훈, 김성은, 하지수. 생성 AI를 사용한 서울의 봄 그래픽 프린트 개발. 2023년도 한국패션디자인학회 추계학술대회. 2023.11.11.
[포스터발표] Algirmaa Bat-Amgalan, 김성은, 하지수. 다크 로맨스(Dark romance)를 접목한 K-fashion 디자인 개발. 2023년도 한국패션디자인학회 추계학술대회. 2023.11.11.
[구두논문발표] 박지홍, 하지수. 가상 패션과 AI 예술의 특성 및 관계 -패션과 예술의 체계적 문헌고찰을 바탕으로-. 2023년도 한국패션디자인학회 추계학술대회. 2023.11.11.
[포스터발표] Soyung Im, Jisoo Ha. Specificity of Perception of Body Movements and Clothing. 2023년도 한국의류학회 추계학술대회. 2023.10.21.
[구두논문발표] 정차홍, 하지수. 에슬레저 웨어를 통한 스포츠웨어의 패션화 현상. 2023년도 한국의류학회 추계학술대회. 2023.10.21.
[구두논문발표] 범가유, 하지수. 샤오홍슈에 나타난 그레이 패션에 대한 새로운 특성과 인식에 관한 연구. 2023년도 한국패션디자인학회 춘계학술대회. 2023.5.20.
[포스터발표] 이승익, 전재훈, 하지수. 멀티 페르소나 관점에서 메타버스에 나타난 가상패션 특성 연구. 2023년도 한국패션디자인학회 춘계학술대회. 2023.5.20.
[포스터발표] 정차홍, 하지수. 여성 운동선수의 스포츠웨어 규정에 관한 고찰. 2023년도 한국패션디자인학회 춘계학술대회. 2023.5.20.
[포스터발표] Parissa Hosseini, Jisoo Ha. Iranian Women's Attitude Towards Hijab. 2023년도 한국패션디자인학회 춘계학술대회. 2023.5.20.
[포스터발표] 임수진, 하지수. 비대면 화면 플랫폼(Zoom)에서 패션 이미지 표현 특성 - 20~30대 한국 직장인 여성 중심으로 -. 2023년도 한국패션디자인학회 춘계학술대회. 2023.5.20.
[포스터발표] 정차홍, 이채영, 하지수. 흰색 의복 우월주의에 대한 갈등론적 접근. 2023년도 한국패션디자인학회 춘계학술대회. 2023.5.20.
[포스터발표] 임소영, 하지수. 몸의 움직임과 의상 지각의 특수성에 관한 연구 - 형태지각과 관계지각을 중심으로 -. 2023년도 한국패션디자인학회 춘계학술대회. 2023.5.20.
[포스터발표] 김성은, 정다운, 하지수. 디지털 기술의 발전을 기반으로 한 현대 패션산업의 방향성 및 변화 인식. 2023년도 한국패션디자인학회 춘계학술대회. 2023.5.20.
[구두논문발표] 정차홍, 하지수. 예술 스포츠의 영상 이미지 분석 프레임워크. 2023년도 한국패션디자인학회 춘계학술대회. 2023.5.20.
[포스터발표] 최서영, 하지수. 패션 이미지에 표현된 포스트휴먼 특성 -독립 패션 잡지를 중심으로-. 2023년도 한국의류학회 춘계학술대회. 2023.4.15.
[포스터발표] 박수진, 하지수. 현대 패션 비평 특성에 관한 연구. 2022년도 한국의류학회 추계학술대회. 2022.10.16.
[포스터발표] 이회령, 하지수. 현대 남성 수트 컬렉션의 조형적 특징과 새로운 남성성의 표현. 2022년도 한국의류학회 추계학술대회. 2022.10.16.
[포스터발표] 임수진, 하지수. 빅테이터를 활용한 3D 패션 활용 방식 현황. 2022년도 한국의류학회 추계학술대회. 2022.10.16.
[포스터발표] 임소영, 하지수. 몸의 움직임과 의상의 관찰체계 연구 -무용의상을 중심으로-. 2022년도 한국의류학회 추계학술대회. 2022.10.16.
[포스터발표] 박수진, 하지수. 패션 비평 모델을 위한 탐색적 연구 - 홉스와 설로미(Hobbs and Salome)의 미술 비평 모델을 바탕으로 -. 2022년도 한국패션디자인학회 춘계학술대회. 온라인. 2022.5.21.
[포스터발표] 장재희, 김성은, 하지수. The Role of Artistic Expression in Fashion Films on Brand Identity - Examining ‘Coco Before Chanel’ and ‘Yves Saint Laurent’-. 2022년도 한국패션디자인학회 춘계학술대회. 온라인. 2022.5.21.
[포스터발표] 범가유, 하지수. 패션 라이브 커머스 콘텐츠 및 앵커의 특성 - 동대문에서 진행하는 중국 라이브 커머스를 중심으로 -. 2022년도 한국패션디자인학회 춘계학술대회. 온라인. 2022.5.21.
[포스터발표] 슈칭칭, 하지수. 중국 개혁개방 이후 수입영화 의상의 유행. 2022년도 한국패션디자인학회 춘계학술대회. 온라인. 2022.5.21.
[포스터발표] 임수진, 하지수. 미디어 아트와 접목된 패션 디자인 작품 특성 고찰. 2022년도 한국패션디자인학회 춘계학술대회. 온라인. 2022.5.21.
[포스터발표] 김규연, 하지수. 뉴미디어를 활용한 패션 전시의 특성. 2022년도 한국패션디자인학회 춘계학술대회. 온라인. 2022.5.21.
[포스터 발표] Jang Jaehee, Ha Jisoo. 20th Century Fashionable Feminism - Examining Chanel and Yves Saint Laurent’s Representation of Women -. The 2021 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Fashion Design. 2021.11.13.
[포스터발표] Woo Myunghyun, Ha Jisoo. A study on fashion design using biodegradable bioplastics. The 2021 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Fashion Design. 2021.11.13.
[포스터발표] Kim Kyuyeon, Ha Jisoo. A Cultural Translational Review of Fashion through the Historical Transformation of Corset. The 2021 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Fashion Design. 2021.11.13.
[포스터발표] Choi Seoyoung, Ha Jisoo. Characteristics of male sexuality represented in editorial fashion photography in the 1980s. The 2021 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Fashion Design. 2021.11.13.
[구두논문발표] Jung Dawool, Ha Jisoo. Retro fashion culture of Generation Z in Korea. The 2021 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Fashion Design. 2021.11.13.
[구두논문발표] Park Sujin, Ha Jisoo. Collapse of aura in SPA fashion - Based on Walter Benjamin's aura theory. The 2021 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Fashion Design. 2021.11.13.
[구두논문발표] Parisa Hosseini, Ha Jisoo. Force of Veiling or Force of Unveiling, Iranian Women School, University and Workplace Dress Codes After and Before the 1979 Revolution. The 2021 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Fashion Design. 2021.11.13.
[포스터발표] Sung Eun Kim, Jung Dawn, Ha Jisoo. Changes in the use of fashion trends in fashion systems. The 2021 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles. 2021.10.16.
[포스터발표] Choi Yeoran, Ha Jisoo. The Perception of Fashion Design Plagiarism Formative Elements. The 2021 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles. 2021.10.16.
[구두논문발표] Jung Dawool, Ha Jisoo. Korean Retro Fashion in Newspaper Articles. The 2021 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles. 2021.10.16.
[포스터발표] Kim Kyuyeon, Ha Jisoo. Representing genders through clothes on queer movies - Focusing on <The Danish Girl>, <Laurence Anyways>, <Tomboy>. 2021.05.22.
[구두논문발표] Lee Joohyung, Ha Jisoo. The meaning of middle-aged Korean women's participation in sports and sportswear - Focusing on 40s and 50s women. The 2021 Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Fashion Design. 2021.05.22
[구두논문발표] Lee Nahyun, Ha Jisoo. Appearance management of middle-aged Korean men in the media - Focusing on big data analysis of newspaper articles. The 2021 Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Fashion Design. 2021.05.22.
[포스터발표] Choi Seoyoung, Ha Jisoo. Analysis of the current status and direction of Daegu's textile and fashion industry policies - Focusing on the connection with the Seoul fashion industry -. The 2021 Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles. 2021.04.17.
[포스터발표] Yin Meina, Ha Jisoo. The “Chinese Style” of Chinese New Generation Fashion Designers - Focusing on Shanghai Fashion Week -. The 2021 Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles. 2021.04.17.
[포스터발표] Park Sujin, Ha Jisoo. The effect of wearing a mask as a social norm on the selection of formative characteristics of fashion products when going out - Focusing on Korean women in their 20s and 30s. The 2021 Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles. 2021.04.17.
[포스터발표] Yoo Hanbin, Ha Jisoo. Analysis of the K-fashion Brands on the Global Online Shopping Platform. The 2021 Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles. 2021.04.17.
[포스터 발표] Jang ShinYoung, Ha Jisoo. A Study on the Recognition and Preference Characteristics of Video Conferencing Fashion in Telecommuting. The 2020 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Fashion Design. 2020.10.17
[포스터발표] Yang Euiyoung, Ha Jisoo. A Qualitative Study on the Visual Characteristics of Fun in Fashion Design. The 2020 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Fashion Design. 2020.10.17
[포스터발표] Park Soojin, Ha Jisoo. The Expression of Modern Fashion Images through New Media - Based on Marshall McLuhan's Hot Media Cool Media Theory. The 2020 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Fashion Design. 2020.10.17
[포스터 발표] Park Ji Hong, Ha Jisoo. Characteristics of genderless fashion in modern online media. The 2020 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Fashion Design. 2020.10.17
[구두논문발표] Han SangJi, Ha Jisoo. A Study of Fashion taste and Cultural Capital of South Korean Neo-Silver Generation, The 2019 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Fashion Design. 2019.10.19
[구두논문발표] Kim JongSun, Ha Jisoo, Development of Haptic Communication System for Fashion Image, The 2019 Fall Conference of The Korean Society of Fashion Business, 2019.10.19
[포스터발표] Jang ShinYoung, Ha Jisoo, Characteristics of Haptic Perception by Transmission Method of Fashion Product, The 2019 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Fashion Design. 2019.10.19
[포스터발표] Kim GaHyun, Ha Jisoo, A Study of South Korea's Tatoo with Post-Subcutural Perspective, The 2019 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Fashion Design. 2019.10.19
[포스터발표] Kim GoEun, Fashion Style and Role of Korean Working-Moms', Ha Jisoo The 2019 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Fashion Design. 2019.10.19
[포스터발표] Kim HeeYoung, Ha Jisoo, A Study of How Instagram is utilized to express one's Fashion Taste, The 2019 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Fashion Design. 2019.10.19
[포스터발표] Yang Euiyoung, Lee Heoryung, Park Sujin, Jeong Jiwoon, Park Hein, Ha Jisoo, How Literacy Information Affects Fashion Design Ideation and Developing Process, The 2019 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Fashion Design. 2019.10.19
[포스터발표] Xu ChingChing, Ha Jisoo, Analysis of Korean fashion trends that appeared in Baidu-From 2013 to 2018,
The 2019 Fall Conference of the Society of Fashion & Textile Industry. 2019.10.26. -
[포스터발표] Kim Kyu Yeon, Ha Jisoo. Gender Identity Expressed through Fashion style of Sexual Minorities. The 2019 Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Fashion Design. 2019.05.25.
[포스터발표] Jung, Dawool & Ha, Jisoo. Fandom. Analysis of Fandom Performance in Social Media – Focused on Fashion-. The 2019 Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Fashion Design. 2019.05.25.
[포스터발표] Kim Jong Sun, Ha Ji Soo. A Study on the Consumers' Perception of Ugly Fashion through the Emotional Analysis of Big Data. The 2019 Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Fashion Design. 2019.05.25.
[포스터발표] Park Keunsoo, Ha Ji Soo. A Study on the Development of the Fashion Design Using the Low Temperature 3D Pen. The 2019 Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Fashion Design. 2019.05.25.
[포스터발표] Park Keunsoo, Ha Ji Soo. A Study on Contemporary Fashion Design with Fusion Sensibility Using 3D Pen -Focused on Development of Creative Art Wear Applied wih Chusa Kim Junghee's Calligraphy. The 2019 Spring International Conference of the Korean Society of Basic Design & Art. 2019.5.25.
[포스터발표] Soojin Park, Ha Ji Soo. Contemporary Fashion as a Mass Art - Focused on Noel Carroll's Mass Art Theory. The 2019 Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles. 2019.4.20.
[포스터발표] Jang Shin Young, Ha Jisoo. A Study on the Characteristics of Consumers' Visual Impacts of Fashion Products - Focused on Knitwear. The 2019 Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles. 2019.4.20.
[포스터발표] Fan Kayu, Ha Jisoo, A Study on Characteristics of Underground Rappers’ Fashion in South Korean and China,The 2019 Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles. 2019.4.20
[포스터발표] Jang Shin Young, Ha Jisoo. A Study on the Fashion Design for the Purpose of Psychological Treatment. The 2018 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Fashion Design. 2018.11.3.
[포스터발표] Kim Sung Eun, Ha Ji Soo, Jang Shin Young. A Study to Predict Future Fashion System with Delphi and Scenario Methods. The 2018 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Fashion Design. 2018.11.3.
[포스터발표] Kim Jong Sun, Ha Ji Soo. Research on the Users Regarding Haptic Communication Technology Development for Fashion Product Images. The 2018 Fall Conference of the Society of Fashion & Textile Industry. 2018.10.27
[포스터발표] Choi Yeo Ran, Ha Ji Soo. A Study on the Immitation and Copyright in Fashion Design: Focusing on the Consumer's Opinion on Related Cases. The 2018 Fall Conference of the Society of Fashion & Textile Industry. 2018.10.27.
[포스터발표] Lee Joo Hyeong, Ha Ji Soo. A Study on the Formative Characteristics of the Type of Sexuality in Contemporary Men's Clothing – Focused on the 2015 S/S~2017 F/W Collection. The 2018 Fall Conference of the Society of Fashion & Textile Industry.2018.10.27.
[포스터발표] Lee Jeong Hwa, Ha Ji Soo. Pursuing Self-images of Black Fashion Enthusiasts. The 2018 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles. 2018. 10.20
[포스터발표] Khulan, Ha Ji Soo. Inspiration and Influence in Fashion Design Concept. The 2018 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles. 2018. 10.20
[포스터발표] Lim So Yeong, Ha Ji Soo. The Use of Fashion and Body in Feminism Performance Art. The 2018 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles. 2018. 10.20
[포스터발표] Kim Hee Young, Ha Ji Soo. Narrative Identity Expression of Korean Fashion Micro Influencers by the Space - Focused on Instagram -. The 2018 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles. 2018. 10.20.
[구두논문발표] Kim Bona, Ha Ji Soo. A Study on the Change of Homosexuality Image in Clothings in Hollywood Film - Based on Case Studies in the 20th and 21st Century-. The 2018 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles. 2018. 10.20.
[구두논문발표] Kim In Hye, Ha Ji Soo. Development of Items for Evaluation of Sustainabilty in Fashion. The 2018 Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Fashion Design. 2018. 5. 25.